
MultiPRO Yamamoto, the improved version of the classic Yamamoto multivitamin, richer, more complete, more dosed.

Enriched with antioxidants, ideal for athletes!

SKU: REFD-11230 Categories: ,


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MultiPRO Yamamoto, the improved version of the classic Yamamoto multivitamin, richer, more complete, more dosed.

Enriched with antioxidants, ideal for athletes!

It is a complex composed of vitamins and minerals with a very good dose of antioxidants (Vitamin C, E, A) as well as a good dose of group B vitamins, essential for good muscle development and recovery.

It will allow you to boost your immune system, keep a high level of energy during your days and promote your efficiency, whether in the work of everyday life or your sports sessions.

This multivitamin complex adapts to any type of profile.


Why take MultiPROYamamoto, what are these effects?

  • Fight against fatigue, overwork
  • Accelerates physical and nervous recovery by limiting free radicals
  • Improves the assimilation of nutrients in solid food
  • Promotes the proper functioning of your immune system


Yamamoto Multivitamin Highlights:

  • Rich in antioxidants (Vitamin A, C, E)
  • Version more dosed than the classic Multivitamin, for those who suffer from severe fatigue
  • Quality and seriousness of the brand


MultiPro Yamamoto is a multivitamin with easily assimilated forms of vitamins and minerals, intended for athletes.

This version is more dosed than the classic Yamamoto multivitamin.

If you are subject to stress, overwork, and you combine this with a large dose of sport, then this multivitamin complex will be very useful to help you keep in shape and promote general good health.


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